Shoelace medals are an innovative & functional twist to the tradition of wearing devotional medals on a necklace. Using a reinforced clasp, medals easily and durably attach to a shoelace. Perfect for athletes, these medals can be tucked into cleat and sneaker laces. Great for school shoes or any laced shoe!
Ready to purchase? Contact Deb: (610) 529-2157
Shoelace medals are not limited to those listed below, please contact for customizing- we can design cards with specific needs in mind.
St. Agatha- Patron Saint of breast cancer
St. Christopher- Patron Saint of travel
St. Jude- Patron Saint of hope
St. Sebastian- Patron Saint of athletes
St. Peregrine- Patron Saint of cancer & HIV patients
St. Joseph- Patron Saint of fathers & workers
Miraculous Medal/Blessed Mary- Hail Mary, full of grace
Holy Spirit- "Come, Holy Spirit"
Guardian Angel- Prayer
Our Lady Untier of Knots- The Knot Prayer
St. Mother Teresa- “We will never know all the good that a simple smile can do”
St. Augustine- “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”
St. Francis de Sales- “Be who you are and be that well.”
Holy Cross- Mighty Mini Cross Medal, "Be strong and courageous" Deuteronomy 31:6
Regular Sized Cross- “When all else fails, God doesn’t”, Psalm 73:26
Star of David
Ichthus- Christian Fish
Veritas, Unitas, Caritas - This Friars Edition is sold with our best selling Mighty Mini Cross Medal.